Photograph of Edward Maitland Armstrong in fancy dress
Pach Brothers
Photograph of Gwendolen King
P. Frois of Biarritz
Photograph of Edward Maitland Armstrong
Photograph of Gwendolen King dressed for the 1897 Bradley Martin ball
H. E. Mendelssohn
Photograph of Gwendolen King dressed for the Bradley Martin ball
Photograph of an unidentified man
Photograph of Miss (Emily Marie) Lafarge as Diana
Mora, Jose Maria
Photograph of an unidentified woman in costume
Photograph of Mrs. James Benkard as Carmen
Photograph of Miss Elizabeth "Bessie" Ramsen Webb (later Mrs. George B. Parsons) as Mme. Le Diable
Photograph of [Mrs. W.H. Vanderbilt]
Photograph of Jean Turnure (later Mrs. John C. Mallory) costumed as an Egyptian princess
Photograph of Mrs. Frederick Kernochan (née Mary Stuart Whitney) as a witch
Photograph of an unidentified man in costume