"General Caterino Corner Receives the Surrender of a Turkish City"
Loth, Johann Carl
"Francesco Corner Defends Venice Against the League of Cambrai in 1509"
Lazzarini, Gregorio
"The Procurator Zorzi Gives Treasure to Venice"
"The Embassy of Marco Corner to the Emperor Charles IV"
Molinari, Antonio
"The Syphax Before Scipio"
Molinari. Antonio
"The Triumph of Scipio"
Trevisani, Angelo
"Anteros Pleads With Atropos"
Ricci, Sebastiano
"The Investiture of Marco Corner as Count of Zara in 1344"
"Scipio Declining Regal Honours"
Bortoloni, Mattia
"The Continence of Scipio"
Pellegrini, Giovanni Antonio