Lidded Commemorative Soap Dish in the Form of the U.S.S. Maine
"Liberty China" Three-piece Tea Set
Josiah Wedgwood & Sons
War of 1812 Commemorative Pitcher
Commemorative Pitcher
"The Surrender of General Lee: and His Entire Army to Lieut. General U.S. Grant, April 9th 1865"
McRae, John
A Pair of Reproduction British Flintlock Heavy Dragoon Pistols
Navy Arms Company
Patriotic Products Association
Correspondence from General Goyeet and J. Masino, and from E. M. Sautter, to Philip Wheaton Rives King
General Goyeet
Correspondence from Philip Wheaton Rives King to P. G. Birckhead
King, Philip Wheaton Rives
Correspondence from Ella Rives King to Gwendolen King Armstrong
King, Ella Rives
Correspondence from Philip Wheaton Rives King to Ella Rives King
Correspondence from Ella Rives King to Gwendolen King
Correspondence from Gwendolen King Armstrong to Ella Rives King
Armstrong, Gwendolen King
Le Général Washington Ne Quid Detrimenti capiat Res publica
Le Mire, Noël